Saturday, December 29, 2018

don't be afraid to create

What do you want to create?
What do you want to leave in this world?
Give to this world?

We all need to
Make things
Bake things
Cook things
Carve things

The best is yet to come, use what has already been created and keep creating
Someone else is, yet you have something in you that no one else has
So you need to create something too

Some create children
Raise them
Teach them

Some create works of art in food
Share them
Eat them

Some write songs
They sing and inspire with

Create things
Little things
Daily things

Create things that fail
That go unfinished
That only leave a little wave

That’s ok
The little things
The ones that fail
That only make little waves

They lead to bigger things
Bigger ideas

Sometimes the ones that fail just keep you going
Keep the pattern and discipline going
To the bigger things
The ones that you will remember
The ones that others will remember

Life was meant to be lived
Your life was meant to be a story you can tell
A story others can hear

Don’t just listen to other peoples stories on podcast
Or watch other peoples stories on Netflix
They’re good to inspire you
But then create your own
Write your own

Tell others a story in what you create
The ones that didn’t work
And the ones that you’re proud of
All are part of the story of your life

Create in your life
Create a life that looks like who you are
Create something today.