Saturday, December 24, 2022

when your pipes freeze....

i'm from Ohio

I should know better 

but I had a migraine was in and out of sleep

I wasn't thinking

that when they said below freezing temps were going to hit nashville 

I wasn't thinking like an ohio-ian

everyone from the north knows to let the faucets drip

I just didn't

and the pipes froze

so we took care of it, set the house up to hopefully let them thaw when it gets warmer

but until then

I need a shower

I immidiately call my newly married friends who live very close and ask if I can borrow a shower and 

with out hesitation they not only say yes but come pick me up.

they have everything laying out, lotion, shampoo, they're like a very nice bed and breakfast

I not only got a shower but just sweet friend time with them

and warm cookies

they dropped me off back home nice and clean and 

an invitation if I don't go home to Ohio that i can spend it with them

that's the other thing about freezing weather in nashville

it isn't just in nashville

the midwest got hit hard

including my home state of Ohio

the roads are a WRECK

i'm usually pretty "it'll be fine" when It comes to making the 6 hr drive" 

but there was something about the high winds, tons of accidents and the "salt isn't working in below zero weather" that made me decide not to drive home to Ohio tonight, on Christmas eve

not only does this make me very sad

the thought of not getting to wake up with my mom and drink coffee and watch a Christmas movie

before anyone else wakes up

but also makes me sad because I still don't have water.

so i can't just "stay home" 

i need to think of whose home can i invade to at least shower and go the bathroom

and you know what? 

the whole reason i'm writing this.

when i think of "who will let me crash their Christmas" 

the list is long

i really mean it

I Immediately thought of so many friends that stay here for the holidays or have family here

 and thought "they wouldn't mind, they wouldn't care!" 

I could immediately see myself in pj's hanging with them and their family

I just started tearing up

right now as I write this


what a gift

a list of dear dear friends that would actually be mad if they found out

that i didn't go home and didn't have water and just sat in my house

mad. some would get mad and call me stubborn

anyways the point isn't how mad my friends can get

the ponit is i'm very loved

and I most likely will make it home on Christmas day

and all will be fine

but the thought of the family i've made here

such deep relationships

that wouldn't care if I spent Christmas with them

even if they have kids that will be opening presents

or even if they're at their parents house and let me come too

or even if it's their first Christmas married together and i'll third wheel it

it's overwhelming how life goes

when I moved to nashville all those years ago

I thought i'd find a job and have some fun

but never never did I imagine families that would be my family

just a sweet overwhelming feeling.

thanks to my friends

who would pick me up so I can shower

who would allow me to come sleep at their house anytime I needed 

who genuinely just love me

wow very thankful today. 

all because our pipes froze.

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